ArtsHERE Grantees

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The full list of Mid Atlantic region grantees includes:

4youth Productions, Wilmington, DE, $89,190
The ArtsHERE  grant will help 4youth Productions implement a newly built three-year plan, which includes building capacity and expanding reach. Support will allow for expended staffing, professional development, program evaluations, and visual storytelling. Four Youth leads underserved students on a journey that inspires intellectual and creative growth by providing education in a stable, safe, and supportive environment where youth from diverse backgrounds thrive throughout their formative years.

BAD Ballet, Baltimore, MD, $130,000
The ArtsHERE grant will support the implementation and evaluation of a new workforce development program for professionally trained dancers and movement specialists. BAD will be able to provide access to somatic dance and wellness practitioners by offering certificates in Somatic Wellness, a year-long performance contract with the BAD Ballet dance company, and a conditional offer of employment as a Somatic Dance Counselor. Ballet After Dark provides arts and cultural programs, comprehensive education, and activities that focuses on Black and Brown girls and youth impacted by sexual violence and various traumas heal their minds and bodies with performing arts, ballet techniques, dance therapy, and somatic interventions.

Centro De Cultura Arte Trabajo Y Educacion (CCATE), Norristown, PA, $117,000
The ArtsHERE grant will help to strengthen ties with Norristown’s Latino immigrant community through initiatives are designed to increase arts participation for underserved groups, amplify diverse community expressions, and foster an environment of artistic co-creation and learning. Initiatives include expansion of REVARTE e-Magazine, a community podcast, and an art gallery enhancement program. CCATE’s mission is to ignite social transformation by developing talents and empowering the dreams of the Latinx immigrant community through culture, art, training, and education.

Community Building Art Works (CBAW), Rockville, MD, $130,000
The ArtsHERE grant will allow CBAW to bring in a consultant to conduct an organizational needs assessment and create a strategic plan for building a research-quality data collection and management system along with an infrastructure upgrade. This will enable clinical quality research to advance the field of knowledge around what community- based expressive arts can do to improve long-term health outcomes for veterans and other vulnerable populations. Using what was learned in field and community research, CBAW will improve engagement with and access to programs for BIPOC, disabled, rural, and economically vulnerable veterans. Community Building Art Works builds bridges between veterans and citizens through creative expression. CBAW uses the language of creativity to promote empathy, foster understanding, and create a vibrant, diverse community.

Creative Citizen Studios (CCS), Pittsburgh, PA, $95,000
The ArtsHere grant will support capacity-building efforts by measuring the effectiveness of current outreach programming and refining operations procedures and protocols to ensure organizational capacity to meet current and future demand through additional manpower. As a direct result, initiatives and programs will expand to meet the increasing community need. Creative Citizen Studios (CCS) uses art to bring people of all abilities together. They work with artists with intellectual and developmental disabilities to make, exhibit, and sell their work and provide weekly art classes, workshops, and exhibit opportunities to help promote artists while connecting them with a larger community.

Fourth Arts Block, Inc. (FABnyc), New York, NY, $106,020
The ArtsHERE grant will support the FAB NEXT initiative including a listening tour, training and peer learning, and a strategic plan for Fourth Arts Block’s programming, communications, and fundraising. Through FAB NEXT, FAB aims to deepen their practice of engaging low income and POC residents, support other local culturals to do the same, and strengthen their capacity to build upon the work accomplished to date. FAB is a team of artists and organizers working to preserve, strengthen, and grow the cultural vibrancy of the Lower East Side in NYC, using arts strategies to resist cultural displacement, build collaboration, and increase equity.

Intertwine Arts, Inc., New York, NY, $77,425
The ArtsHERE grant will support the creation of an accessible arts submission process for disabled artists and provide training to grow curation and installation skills for staff and leadership. This would enhance processes for art exhibition, support integrating disabled/chronically ill artists into prominent arts spaces, help identify and change barriers to exhibition of art by people with disabilities and increase public access to art by people with disabilities. Intertwine Arts inspires creativity, joy, and self-confidence through free-form weaving for people of all ages with disabilities or chronic illness.

Iroquois Museum (IM), Howes Cave, NY, $83,340
The ArtsHERE grant will support the development and implementation of an effective promotional plan that will steadily grow and diversify Iroquois Museum (IM) visitation while serving as a sustainable model that can be built upon beyond the grant period. The project also includes developing a strategy to raise awareness of the IM as a resource that offers unique arts experiences and initiates intercultural dialogue. The IM is an educational institution dedicated to fostering understanding of Iroquois culture using Iroquois art as a window to that culture.

Lion Haven St. Croix Community Center, Christiansted, USVI, $117,000
The ArtsHERE grant will support community engagement and promotional activities towards the transformation of Mon Bijou’s basketball court and parking lot into an interactive bicycle park aimed at empowering youth through cultural engagement and skill development. The project provides a safe and culturally enriching environment for youth, fosters community pride and unity through collaboration, and lays the foundation for long-term community development and empowerment. Lion Haven provides a safe place after school for underserved youth to learn, grow and thrive while meeting the needs of the island community.

Musicambia, Inc., Brooklyn, NY, $109,055
The ArtsHERE grant will support the creation of the Musicambia Handbook, Songbook, and Way (Summer Training Workshop). The bilingual Handbook and Songbook will be used as curriculum for the Way, a future training workshop for emerging professional musicians interested in serving incarcerated people. These new tools will ensure best practices are documented and shared among the Teaching Artists that lead Musicambia’s work. Musicambia develops music education programs and performances inside prisons and jails throughout the United States. Through working closely with incarcerated people on songwriting, performing, instrument lessons, and music theory, their musicians cultivate artistic communities that nurture the humanity of all involved.

Next Generation Foundation for Street and Club Dance Culture (NXGN), North Bergen, NJ, $65,000
The ArtsHERE grant will allow Next Generation Foundation for Street and Club Dance Culture to invest in strategic planning, leadership/staff development, and community engagement. Working with stakeholders, NXGN will develop a strategic plan, with implementation, financial modeling, and evaluation resources that empower majority Black and Brown street/club dance artists of all generations to preserve the authenticity of street/club cultures. The plan and training sessions will center the equitable transfer of history, knowledge, entrepreneurship, and creativity to underserved, low-income communities in the urban centers of NJ, NY—Jersey City and all boroughs of NYC. NXGN empowers the street dance community through cultural education, professional development, mentorship, and provides quality events and safe creative spaces to learn, grow, and thrive.

Oakwood Arts (OA), Inc., Richmond, VA, $123,500
The ArtsHERE grant allows Oakwood Arts (OA) to restructure their OA JET film training curriculum, optimizing the use of film projects to prepare BIPOC participants for industry careers while meeting the needs of independent film productions. This refined curriculum, emphasizing a culture of partnership, will generate significant social impact and economic opportunity by leveraging resources that foster sustained, meaningful community engagement and creative empowerment within the OA community. OA makes art and careers in creative industries accessible to all through community engagement, inspiring programming, and experiential education.

Philadelphia Folklore Project, Philadelphia, PA, $117,000
The ArtsHERE grant will fund community engagement and participatory planning to design and implement a new Community Curation model for the Philadelphia Folklore Project. A Community Curation model will shift the balance of power so that community members have clear avenues to propose and lead programs, and staff serve to support rather than direct. The Philadelphia Folklore Project works to sustain vital and diverse living cultural heritage in communities in our region through collaborative projects, research, documentation, and education, prioritizing folk and traditional arts in service of social change.

Positive People Association (PPA), Huntington, WV, $112,478
The ArtsHERE grant will build upon Positive People Association’s (PPA) capacity to facilitate community-based arts, strengthen processes, and document their current practice that’s yielding important engagement in the face of the emerging gentrification of this historically Black community in Huntington, WV. The project includes support for staff capacity building, strategic planning, and digital marketing. PPA is committed to community development in the Tri-State Area of WV, OH, KY, specifically catering to youth and families in underserved neighborhoods. Through collaboration and inclusivity, PPA endeavors to create a resilient community where every member can unlock their full potential.

Ridgelines Language Arts, Aaronsburg, PA, $117,000
The ArtsHERE grant supports Ridgelines’ capacity to better support, train, and grow their corps of Teaching Artists (TAs) who provide expert language arts programs for marginalized groups in rural central Pennsylvania. This includes providing support for professional development and research, half-day trainer conferences, gatherings, and building internal capacity. Ridgelines Language Arts provides expert language arts instruction to those impacted by stigma and injustice in rural ridges and valleys of central Pennsylvania.

Sam & Devorah Foundation for Trans Youth (SDF), Chatham, NJ, $117,000
The ArtsHERE grant will allow the Sam & Devorah Foundation for Trans Youth to scale up to serve more transgender and nonbinary youth across the country. The foundation uses art, advocacy, mentoring, and other resiliency tools to empower trans/nonbinary young people to envision a positive future for themselves and their communities. With this grant, the foundation will embark on several capacity-building projects including a new strategic plan, visual rebrand, and new website in order to achieve equity goals and understand how their programs can better meet the needs of trans/nonbinary young people.

Taller Comunidad la Goyco, Inc., San Juan, PR, $70,000
The ArtsHERE grant will support a capacity building project allowing Taller Comunidad to work on longevity through planning, training, and assessment. Following an initial year of planning and training, the organization will launch a series of monthly fairs to showcase artist work and offer workshops and presentations. Taller Comunidad intends to increase audiences by 10% and effectively communicate the results of cultural programming tied to health and wellbeing, as well as the environment in our urban coastal community. Taller Comunidad La Goyco, Inc. was born from community organizing, anchored in the diversity that characterizes our environment and committed to the sense of solidarity that represents the highest ideals of coexistence.

The Laundromat Project (LP), Brooklyn, NY, $117,000
The ArtsHERE grant supports the Laundromat Project (LP) with the implementation of two of their 2024 Strategic Plan capacity building objectives including staff investment and asset/space development for artists and the neighborhood they serve. The LP’s vision is to build a holistic foundation that provides social and economic security to artists and neighbors and fosters greater well-being and transformation. The LP advances artists and neighbors as change agents in their own communities.

Tidewater Arts Outreach (TAO), Norfolk, VA, $123,500
The ArtsHERE grant supports three capacity building projects: program evaluation to measure the success of Tidewater Arts Outreach (TAO) current program design and marketing efforts; strategic planning and Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) training; and a fundraising feasibility study. TAO brings joy to older adults and those living in isolated circumstances and enhances their well-being through creative engagement with the arts.

Visionaries of the Creative Arts (VOCA), Washington, DC, $130,000
The ArtsHERE grant supports Visionaries of the Creative Arts (VOCA) development of a social impact curriculum, “The ISM Project,” based on VOCA’s hit production ISM, a play that featured powerful monologues by five Deaf BIPOC artists regarding their lived experience with various “isms” including racism, sexism, and audism. The curriculum will include cultural competency and resources for identifying “isms”.  Creating a curriculum based on the ISM play can alter perspectives and beliefs towards “isms” and their associated biases. VOCA will also provide resources for trauma-informed care for students taking the workshop. VOCA’s mission is to present a visionary platform for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (HoH) Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BlPOC) artists to create, collaborate, and showcase their culturally distinctive works through various forms of artistic and linguistic expressions.