Current Iber Exchange Tours

2023-2024 Iber Exchange Tours

Three males musicians site on boxes in a semicircle. They all ear shades of black with accents. To the left a bass lays on the floor. The center musician holds an accordion. The man to the right has an acoustic guitar. Behind them standing center is a woman with a flute.

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Image: Alejandro Brittes Quartet. Credit: Courtesy of the artist.

Alejandro Brittes Quartet

Alejandro Brittes is an Argentine accordionist and composer in the chamamé genre, a tradition named a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage tradition. The Alejandro Brittes Quartet will be presented by:

Five musicians in bright blue, yellow, orange, and white traditional dress stand in an ornate courtyard holding traditional instruments.

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Image: Caña Dulce y Caña Brava. Credit: Courtesy of the artist.

Caña Dulce y Caña Brava

Caña Dulce y Caña Brava is a music and poetry group in the son jarocho genre from Veracruz, Mexico, highlighting feminine voices in a traditionally-masculine musical tradition. Caña Dulce y Caña Brava will be presented by:

Color photo of six musicians wearing traditional garb holding their instruments against a stark white adobe wall.

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Image: La Banda Morisca. Credit: Courtesy of the artist.

La Banda Morisca

La Banda Morisca blends Andalusian cultural heritage and music in the Maghreb and the Middle East, from flamenco music to Andalusian rock. La Banda Morisca will be presented by: