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ArtsCONNECT supports performing arts touring projects collaboratively developed by presenters working together in the mid-Atlantic region. The tours include performances as well as complementary engagement activities designed to create greater understanding or connections between artists, audiences, and communities.Â
Through grants and peer learning opportunities, ArtsHERE invests in organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to equity within their practices and programming, with the goal of increasing arts participation for underserved groups/communities, and sharing insights that may inform similar funding programs in the future.
CALT Experiences Grants
Central Appalachia Living Traditions (CALT) Experiences grants fund public-facing projects and events in ARC-designated Appalachian counties of Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia that bring community members together around folk and traditional arts practice and cultural knowledge.
Cultural Sustainability: Community Roots
Cultural Sustainability, a new grant program offered by the six U.S. Regional Arts Organizations (USRAOs) in partnership with The Wallace Foundation, provides general operating support to arts organizations rooted in communities of color with annual operating expenses under $500,000.
Folk and Traditional Arts
Folk and traditional arts reflect the aesthetics, practices, values, and beliefs of community groups, such as families, geographic communities, occupational groups, ethnic heritage groups, faith communities, and more.
Folk and Traditional Arts Community Projects Grants
The Folk and Traditional Arts Community Projects grants fund projects designed to support the vitality of traditional arts and cultural communities in the mid-Atlantic region.
Iber Exchange
Iber Exchange is now part of the Mid Atlantic Tours grant program. For grant details and information on the three international artists touring the region in 2025-2026 with grant support, visit Mid Atlantic Tours.
Jazz Touring Network
The Jazz Touring Network (JTN) is a presenter-based membership program that supports professional development, building partnerships, and working together to curate tours that reflect the richness of the field of jazz.
Mid Atlantic Tours
Mid Atlantic Tours brings exemplary performing arts ensembles to communities across the mid-Atlantic region.
Performing Arts Global Exchange
Open to presenters nationwide, the Performing Arts Global Exchange (PAGE) is an annually curated roster of international performing artists selected to tour to communities across the United States.
Special Presenter Initiatives
The Special Presenter Initiatives provide additional opportunities for the support of small to mid-sized performing arts presenters in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, West Virginia, and Native nations that share this geography.
Walking Together: Investing in Folklife in Communities of Color
Walking Together: Investing in Folklife in Communities of Color supports folklife and traditional arts rooted in communities of color by investing in artists/practitioners and the grassroots organizations that care for them.