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Image: Jazz Road artist Lyndon Harewood / Gengis Don & The Empire of Jersey City, NJ. Credit: Courtesy of South Arts.
About the Program
Jazz Road is an artist-centric touring and residency grants program to spread jazz throughout the country, strengthen work opportunities and compensation for jazz artists, and bolster deeper engagement between jazz musicians, presenters and communities. U.S.-based jazz artists who define themselves as emerging to more established along a career spectrum are eligible for support. The program is intended to support jazz artists for which this grant would have new and significant career impact.
Click here to go to the Jazz Road program.
Jazz Road is administered by South Arts.
Are you a Mid Atlantic region artist who has questions about Jazz Road? Contact Ernest Stuart, Program Director, Jazz at estuart@midatlanticarts.org or Sarah Theune, Program Associate, Performing Arts and Creativity in Community at sarah@midatlanticarts.org.
Funding Partner: